Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Birth Story Part Deux

This is where the documentation ceased.  The nurse and doctor told me that sometimes after the epidural is placed, the mom can relax enough that her cervix will start to dilate again.  After a couple of hours I was checked and was still at 3cm, where I had been for the past 8 hours, despite having monster contractions.  It was then the doctor mentioned c-section.  She was concerned with my failure to progress (in fact, my dilation was mostly from her and the nurse stretching my cervix open; my body had only dilated me ½” total).  She was concerned with the meconium and the baby possibly aspirating in the event I was able to deliver vaginally.  And she was also concerned that my pelvis was narrow and we had possibly a 10 pound baby. 

M and I talked about it and knew that even if my body would begin to dilate over the next several hours, that it may be best for the baby and for me if we went ahead with the c-section.  I cried and cried about this decision because I was ultimately trying to avoid a c-section, but I wanted my baby out safely and was worried about an emergency c-section happening if the baby got stuck or I failed to progress even further.   They prepped me for surgery, gave M his OR gear, and wheeled me off. 

I had never been so nervous in my life.  I have never had major surgery; I had no idea what to expect.  Overall, it went fairly quickly.  They gave me more medication and made sure I could not feel anything.  Both of my arms were tied to arm boards and my blood pressure was taken frequently.  I was never more relieved than when M walked in, donning his adorable blue surgery gear, camera in hand.  As soon as he entered, he broke down and tears kept streaming down his face.  I think that was the moment that he realized we were having a baby! 

Over the next few minutes, I felt a lot of pressure on my belly, near my ribcage.  The doctor kept us informed of what was happening and gave us the 1 minute warning of when baby D was going to be born.  It was at this point M took the camera and held it over the sterile field to capture some of the most awesome pictures I have ever seen.  If you don’t like blood, or get queasy easily, you may not want to scroll to the next picture.  It’s not for the faint of heart.  Here is the birth of my baby boy: 



Even though I was not able to see him born, this picture captured the moment and I am so grateful for my husband’s awesome ninja picture skills.  They immediately suctioned him and took him to the warmed bed to continue suctioning to try to get all of the meconium.  Damien was born at 8:40pm and was 9 pounds, 2 ounces and 21.5 inches long.  He had the cutest little squishy face and perfectly round c-section head.  Here was the first time I met him:

Even though he was taken to the NICU right after and I couldn’t hold him for a couple of hours, I was immediately in love with that little guy.  I met him for all of a minute and he stole my heart and four months later I cannot imagine life without him.  It wasn't my ideal birth but I wouldn't change a thing.  And just because I love him so much and think he has the most perfect little face, here’s a current pic of my little guy:

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